
To be a savior of Japan - Three Hyper Rescue members speak out their hardship in the water spray operation

Members of Hyper Rescue squad held a press conference earlier to explain how hard it was to fight "an invisible enemy".
40 members of the Hyper Rescue squad of Tokyo Fire Department early on Saturday joined the successive water spray mission to weaken radiation level of the crippled 3rd reactor at Fukushima No1 nuclear power plant.
Their efforts were they came closer to the reactor and injected water into the temporary storage pool for spent nuclear fuel at a distance of 50km.
There were so much rubble scattered around the site that their vehecles couldn't run through and they had to extend seven 50-meter hoses manually at great cost of intensified radiation exposure, they revealed.
General Captain Yukio Takayama said, "The strong support from our teammates could lead to success in the mission".
The mission was an extremely tough duty. But they were confident they could achieve the goal to a certain degree with a fulfilling sense of relief, they said .
Division Chief Yasuo Sato revealed when he emailed to his wife the message "I leave for the site", she replied to him with one passage, "I hope you will be the savior of the nation".
Captain Toyohiko Tomioka told reporters on the verge of tears that all the rescue team members did their best, maintaining high morale.
And "I'd like to deeply apologize for exposing the team to such a danger and extend my appreciation to their family", he added.

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