
Japanese celebrity's brave acts facing the reality

Japanese actor Taro Yamamoto is now facing the reality just after he protested against the government's optimistic reaction to radioactive exposure to children.

He revealed he was forced to pay a price for his brave acts as his management staffer gave him an email message that he lost his offered TV drama appearance.

Mr Yamamoto has ever joined demonstrations against anti-nuclear power generation and the authority's decision to set the yearly safety standard for children's radioactive exposure at 20 millisieverts.

"In Chernobyl accident, the peripheral residents were forced to evacuate if they were assumed to receive 5-millisievert radiation a year. But, the question is, the Education Ministry considers it as 'no problem' to expose children to 20-millisievert radioactivity. I can say it's murder. The answer is the government tries to sacrifice those children to save compensation for their evacuation", he remarked earlier.

Japanese entertainment news provider Cinema Today interviewed with Mr Yamamoto and he told the reporter that he knew power companies were one of the biggest media sponsors and took circumstances into account.

His supporters reacted to the revelation with strong anger at the sudden cancellation from the TV station and drama producer and sympathized with Yamamoto's hardships.

Despite his request to the supporters to refrain from radical action for the TV producers, Mr Yamamoto replies to their encouragement, saying, "Let's stop the destruction of Japan and break with nuclear power generation. Your strong sense of justice certainly allows us to realize the children's evacuation from radiation threat and removal from the 20-millisievert safety standard."